The Best Worst Advice for Manu Expeditions

Do you want some advice for Manu Expeditions? Do you want some bad advice? In this entry we’ll go over some advice people get when looking for tips. 

We’ll focus on Manu National Park enquiries. This destination in particular can be misunderstood by outsiders. Further from that, some stereotypes will also appear. And in addition to this, some really obvious things fall under the label of advice or Trip.

As a Tour operator, we are trying to offer the best experience. But sometimes this advice prime visitors into weird ideas. Sometimes they are really not that useful.

It is time to check some of the “best” advice for Manu Expeditions. And talk about those topics with more nuance. From there, you may find some really great advice.

advice for manu expeditions

Reflecting, Journaling and Disconnecting

To start, we have a weird one. This may be a result of the rise in certain cultural trends. Or maybe there is another explanation. However, you’ll find a lot of advice telling you to reflect.

Something in the lines of “Now reflect on the magical experience you just had”. Or suggestion to take pictures with the intent of making a journal entry. Or recommendations for using your time in the cloud forest for disconnecting from your busy life.

Why Is It Bad Advice?

Advice for Manu Expeditions should be direct and focus on safety and comfort. This kind of advice simply sounds disconnected. Which is quite ironic. 

People travel to the Peruvian Amazon for many reasons. And this advice sounds oddly specific. Only a small fraction of the population is interested in journaling. And the disconnecting part seems kind of exaggerated.

Many people enjoy sharing about their journeys. Many people, even on a trip to Manu, need to be in touch with family. This advice seems to have a really specific way of traveling in mind.

There is nothing wrong with an introspective approach to your travel time. But this makes the remainder to reflect, extra weird. You just can’t ask travelers to have a specific way to react. Not everyone has the same reaction to Manu National Park.

Many travelers will be tired after a day trip full of hikes. Those travelers have to wake up early the next day. Many will want to go to sleep immediately. 

On top of that. We actually don’t think many people take this advice seriously. So it just sounds a little silly. So not really useful advice for Manu expeditions.

Water Tablets and Water Purification Systems

This one is more common when we talk about long hikes. But you’ll find these once in a while talking about trips to Manu. And there is a little truth to the premise.

Drinking untreated  water is dangerous. Drinking untreated water in the Peruvian Amazon is even more dangerous. But do you really need a water purification system in your wildlife tour?

advice for manu expeditions

Why You probably Don’t Need a Water Purification System

When you travel with a tour operator, you get an itinerary. Tour operators consider time for breaks, meals and sleeping in itineraries. Most itineraries in Manu National Park have constant returns to the lodge.

This means constant returns to an area where you can recharge your water bottle. An actual good advice for Manu expeditions, is to get a high quality reusable water bottle. Unless something really extreme happens, you’ll be fine.

In addition to all of this, water purification systems don’t cost just a couple of dollars. They are not exactly extremely expensive. But still it is an extra charge. 

There is no denial that these may be useful in certain situations. But your Manu trip may not be that. You’ll have a comfortable experience, we promise.

But if you want to be prepared for the unlikely scenario of being lost in the Amazon. We recommend tablets. They are lighter and cheaper. 

With that said. There is not a single recent report of a tourist lost in the Manu National Park. A Manu Wildlife tour is perfectly safe. 

Try to Look For “Clean” Food Stalls

To clarify, this advice appears rarely. You have to really look for it almost, at least when talking about Manu. But this is kind of a necessary entry. This is one that plays into prejudice. 

But for clarity’s sake, this advice may be more related to Puerto Maldonado tours. There are no eateries in Manu outside the lodges. So we’ll discuss it in the context of visiting Puerto Maldonado.

You probably will actually think that this is reasonable advice. But like we said, it is a matter of prejudice sometimes. What you perceive as clean, may not be right.

Food Safety Perception and Some Headaches

Food safety and cleanliness is more complicated than you think. As an example, many people think that for preparing food in restaurants, the staff have to wear gloves. And that is false and really dangerous.

For gloves to be sanitary in food preparation, they need to be new each time they touch food. That would be a massive waste. And as long as the staff washes their hands, everything is fine.

However,  many people have the perception that gloves equals sanitary. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Many people relate cleanliness to arbitrary standards. 

Sometimes the aesthetic of clean is what they are looking for. This is not a conscious thing sometimes.

The perception of what we think is clean is a headache. It may require more than just an entry about Manu advice to explain it. But at the end of the day, it is something to keep in mind.

In Puerto Maldonado practices may not look clean. Traditional kitchens and eateries are more rustic. So this advice could prime visitors to get away from unique experiences.

Of course it is ok to pass a food stall if you see something unsanitary. But relying on appearances only reinforces pre conceptions. That is not right.

 And that is not a healthy mindset when traveling. We want to discuss the advice for Manu Expeditions, to debunk and educate. 

advice for manu expeditions

Some Honest Advice for Manu Expeditions and Food

In an actual Manu Tour, you’ll be eating mostly in your lodge. We partner with respected lodges for our packages in Manu National Park. And this is important to understand our perspective.

The best way to be safe around food here, is washing your hands. In the lodges you’ll have the accommodations for this simple action. And this will prevent many health risks.

Some visitors forget this simple rule of life. Then they get sick and blame the food, the place or the lodges. So be responsible. Like we said, we’ll be trying to give you the best experience.

Moreover, if you want to explore jungle food, be polite. Traditional food of the Peruvian Amazon can be weird, but it is also humble. Be open to the idea of trying something new. Do not treat it like something weird. 

But on a funny note, some locals may tease you with it. If they realize you are acting weird about the food. And you have to accept it. This is some advice for Manu expeditions you won’t get anywhere else.

Weird Advice About Rain and Weather Forecast 

For the final best worst advice for Manu expeditions, we’ll deal with rain. And for clarity’s sake, the regular advice of traveling in the dry season is good. But not for the reasons you may think.

And what is weird about the tips related to rain, is the framing. Because rain is an actual factor on any tour in Manu. And it is important, all activities are outdoors.

Nobody wants their extrusion to see giant otters to be ruined due to climate. But you have to remember that you’ll be on the Amazon Basin. Manu National Park deals with 200-400 inches of rain annually.

You have to be ready for rain. That is the more general advice for Manu Expeditions. So how does it get weird?

The Obsession for Gearing Up and Predictions

Many advice blogs will stay the importance of gearing up. Which is fine, you have to have the right gear. But it may be excessive? 

From moisture wicking socks to moisture wicking everything. Waterproof clothes, covers and shoes. And even plastic bags for good measure.

And some blogs may take it even further. They want you to pay attention every day to the weather forecast. They recommended weather apps, and stuff like that. Which can be a general good advice in Manu Expeditions for first timers.

But they frame it as it could help you against rain. Rain will definitely be a factor, but we promise, your guide knows how to deal with it. No matter your gear, you’ll get soaked.

Dry Season in The Land of Eternal Rain

Dry season is actually convenient in Manu National Park. But you won’t escape the rain. The rain will fall, just in a more moderate quantity.

And of course, there will be mosquitos. But in the rainy season it is mosquito time. So this is actual good advice for Manu Expeditions. Just not focus in the right direction.

The Manu Amazon

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  • Our exclusive lodges for our clients
  • Native family business our experience supports us
  • You will have unforgettable memories

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